
Field Work Practices (PKL) are activities carried out following all activities (active participation) at the PKL location. PKL aims to ensure that students have work experience in the field of foreign languages at an official agency or institution so that as far as possible they get the opportunity to apply what they have acquired during their education.

Field work practice is deemed necessary because of the rapidly changing growth and development of foreign language knowledge. PKL will increase the ability to observe, study and assess theory and the reality that occurs in the field which ultimately can improve students’ managerial quality in observing problems and issues, both in the form of theoretical applications and actual reality. This PKL is expected to foster a sense of professional responsibility in students. PKL ends with the submission of the PKL report.


  1. Internship can be carried out by students who have passed the course with a cumulative credit of at least 60 credits, with a cumulative GPA greater than or equal to 2.0; without a D grade.
  2. The internship course is included in the current semester’s IRS.

Guidelines for Implementing Work Practices

  1. Places for Internship are at government agencies, such as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as well as Japanese companies in Indonesia, the business world and tourism industry, hotels, translation agencies, and so on, which are related to the competence of using Japanese and English within the scope of his job.
  2. Internship Groups in one place consist of a maximum of 5 people
  3. Students who will take work practice must obtain Internship approval from the Vocational School and register their work practice activities via the SIMAGANG application, Vocational School. (
  4. Work Practices are carried out under the direction and supervision of the Study Program and a person in charge (Field Practice Supervisor) appointed by the leadership at the place of work practice.
  5. The total time for carrying out work practices is at least 900 hours or the equivalent of 5.5 months with 5 working days @ 8 hours or 5 months with 6 working days @ 8 hours and must be proven by a certificate from the Internship location.
  6. Internship implementation can be carried out in 1 Internship location with a duration of point number 5 or in 2 different locations with a minimum duration of 3 months in the first location.
  7. Students are required to obtain approval from the Study Program regarding the location where the Internship will be carried out before carrying out the Internship .
  8. The Study Program has the right to reject applications for Internship at an agency/company, based on previous practical work experience at that location.
  9. Every student is required to carry out Internship activities that use the student’s scientific competencies or are in accordance with the scientific field of the study program.
  10. Students are required to carry out regular consultations regarding Internship activities or obstacles experienced during Internship.
  11. Students are required to submit a Internship report according to the template approved by their field practice and study program supervisor within a maximum of 5 working days after completing the Internship. If Internship is carried out in 2 different places, then students are required to submit 2 different Internship reports.
  12. Students are required to fill in a daily workbook or logbook according to the template (attachment number 7)
  13. Students are required to present the results of Internship activities according to the time determined by the Study Program.
  14. Students are required to take part in monitoring and evaluation (monev) activities which can be held in the middle of the duration of Internship activities by the Study Program. In monitoring and evaluation activities, students are required to collect interim reports and present the progress of Internship implementation.
  15. The Internship assessment is written on the assessment sheet (attachment number 5) carried out by the Field Practice Supervisor at the location of the Internship implementation.
  16. Internship costs are borne by the student concerned. Funds for assistance for Internship activities can be submitted by the Study Program to the Faculty. The fee range is in accordance with applicable regulations and the RKAT of the Study Program (may not be the same between Study Programs). Assistance funds are optional.
  17. Field Work Practices are carried out in the following sequence of activities:
    • Students propose Internship locations as well as plans (proposals) for Internship , and submit internship applications through the SIMAGANG application, Vocational School.
    • Students receive approval from the supervisor, Head of Study Program, and Deputy Dean 1 of the Vocational School. After receiving approval from the supervising lecturer, the Head of Study Program, Deputy Dean 1, carries out the approval via SIMAGANG and makes a disposition to the Head of TU.
    • Next, the Head of TU will write a letter of application for an internship to the agency that is intended as the place of internship. All processes are carried out through the SIMAGANG application.
    • Students receive a letter of introduction to Internship from the Faculty via the SIMAGANG application to be sent to the Internship location.
    • Students upload proof of acceptance or rejection by the street vendors via the SIMAGANG application via the study program admin. If the student is not accepted at the intended Internship location, the student must repeat the Internship application process from the beginning.
    • Students take part in Internship training conducted by the Study Program.
    • Students carry out Internship.