Selodoko Village, July 24, 2024 – KKN Team II Diponegoro University has finished carrying out a series of work programs in the target villages. One of them is Selodoko Village, Ampel District, Boyolali Regency. The Selodoko Village KKN team consists of eight members from different faculties and study programs.

One member of the Selodoko KKN Team, Jauzia Yusi Hilmi Nabilla (Zia), carried out a work program at the Sumber Ilmu Community Learning Center (PKBM). The work program proposed by this Applied Foreign Language Study Program student is in the form of fun English learning through songs and practice questions for PKBM Sumber Ilmu students who are in elementary and junior high school. Zia emphasized on vocabulary and the application of English in everyday life. This is based on the phenomenon of many students who understand English passively, which means they only understand what they hear and read but have difficulty in writing and having conversations. In addition, this lesson was created as a “counterbalance” to English in each student’s school which tends to be textbooked and focuses on grammar.

To compile the practice questions, Zia followed PKBM Sumber Ilmu’s teaching and learning activities every Monday-Wednesday afternoon to find out what methods were suitable and how far the students’ English skills were. After that, the questions were prepared. The questions consisted of several parts:
1. “Complete the Missing Letters”: There were pictures of objects and animals with their names written in English next to them. Students were asked to guess what the missing letters were to be written in the column provided.
2. “Let’s Sing Together!”: This section contains English nursery songs. This song is sung together during the teaching-learning activity to create a fun atmosphere in the classroom.
3. “What is the Meaning of….”: There is a table with some English words taken from the song in “Let’s Sing Together!”. Students are asked to fill in what the words mean in Indonesian.
4. “This is My Kitchen”: There are words with incomplete letters and a picture of a kitchen. Students are asked to add the letters to form the names of kitchen utensils in English.
5. “Can You Find Me?”: Students are asked to find English words hidden among random letters.
6. “Nice to Meet You!”: Contains simple conversations in English that students can practice directly in class.

After that, the questions were printed for the number of students in the class. The question sheets were distributed and started to be applied on July 23-24, 2024. The students actively sang along and competed to answer the questions.

by: Jauzia Yusi Hilmi Nabilla