The second-year students of Applied Foreign Languages program held a series of online talk show in the late May. The talk shows were conducted in English. This activity is part of assignments of Advanced Speaking, a course offered for English stream students in the study program. The students worked in groups and acted as the hosts for their talk show. Each group consisted of 5 to 6 students. Each talk show was at least 20-minute long.

In their talk shows, students invited guests outside their study program. Despite simulation, the students were asked to create posters to promote their respective talk shows. The posters include information about the topic of their talk shows, the guests, and Zoom code to join their talk shows. This is to invite people outside the class to join their talk shows.

The topics chosen in the talk shows varied and were directed to enrich the students and audiences’ understanding on various subjects. Some topics brought to the talk shows included Practice Speaking Class, English its Bliss, Talking About English, The Importance of English for Public Relations, Public Speaking Through Radio Broadcasting, How to be a Good Public Speaker, Studying Abroad, How to Overcome Culture Shock, and How to Get a High TOEFL Score.

Group 6 talked about “Public Speaking Through Radio Broadcasting” with Meirizka Cyntia as the speaker. She is a broadcaster from Magenta Radio. She shared some tips to broadcasting industry, such as being a “news junkie,” fluent in conversation, and capable of advertising products or services. She also suggested that students should not be afraid of starting to learn something, prepare themselves for challenges, and be eager to find new information.

Group 7 discussed All About Studying Abroad: College Life in Malaysia with Azizah Diva as the guest. She is a student of Internasional Islamic University Malaysia. Azizah shared information regarding preparation for study abroad. She also shared her college experience in Malaysia. Based on her explanation, the enrollment of universities in Malaysia is not much different from that in Indonesia. However, international students should prepare an English proficiency test certificate.

Group 8 talked about How to Get a High TOEFL Score with the guest: Nissa Az-zahra. She shared some tips on how to prepare one’s self before taking TOEFL to get maximum score. She shared with the audience that she read TOEFL preparation books, watched Youtube videos on TOEFL, and joining some online classes prior to the test.

The talk show assignment is an implementation of project-based learning which characterizes vocational education. The learning activity is done by involving students into real projects. By speaking in English during the entire talk show, it is expected that students gained more confidence in communicating in English.

Author: Faridha Berliana
Translator: Aditya Nur Patria